Weekly classes are held on Wednesday evening (7-9pm) & Sunday morning (10-12pm) .

Beginners and visiting Aikidoka from all organisations are always welcome!

We’ve moved!

As of August 2022, all classes are now held in the Community Central Hall, 292-316 Maryhill Road, Glasgow, G20 7YE. Our new training venue is situated in Glasgow’s ‘West End’ and is very close to the city centre. There are good public transport links and plenty of on-road parking!

All classes will be in the ‘Grovepark Hall’ which is the largest hall in the centre. We’ve invested in a new 80 square metre matted surface for dojo members to train on! Beginners and visiting Aikidoka are always welcome!

Training days remain the same:

Sunday morning between 10:00am - 12:00pm

Wednesday evening between 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Dan grade promotions - May 2019

Congratulations to John, Zoltan, Marcin and Matt on being promoted to 1st Dan, Aikikai. Special congratulations to Jamie MacIssac on his promotion to 3rd Dan, Aikikai and receiving the teaching title of ‘Fukushidoin’ from Aikido Shimbokukai. We can’t wait to see them all with their Hombu Dojo, Japanese certificates!