Aikido works. If your aikido doesn’t. Don’t confuse the two.”
- Hiroshi Ikeda

Hiroshi Ikeda Sensei is the founder and Chief Instructor of Boulder Aikikai, a non-profit school of aikido in Boulder, Colorado, USA. He currently holds the rank of nanadan (8th Dan) through the Aikido World Headquarters (Hombu Dojo), Tokyo, Japan.

Ikeda Sensei began his study of Aikido in 1968, as a college student at Kokugakuin University in Tokyo. In 1978, he followed Saotome Shihan to Sarasota, Florida. In 1980, he moved to Boulder to establish Boulder Aikikai. In 2016 he joined the Aikido Shimbokukai organization as Vice President, working very closely with it's Director, Lisa Tomoleoni Sensei. Ikeda Sensei travels extensively as a guest instructor, where he has conducted hundreds of aikido seminars around the world. 

Photo of Senshin Dojo members with Ikeda Sensei at his annual UK seminar weekend in Coventry - 28/04/19

Photo of Senshin Dojo members with Ikeda Sensei at his annual UK seminar weekend in Coventry - 28/04/19

Aikido bridge events:

In 2005, Ikeda Sensei established aikido ‘Bridge’ seminars. The purpose of the ‘Bridge’ events is to bring together teachers and students from different countries, aikido organisations and backgrounds to share their skills, build friendships, and support the future growth of aikido. By combining the knowledge of many instructors the full legacy of aikido can be kept alive for the next generations of students and instructors. 
